Fontage 2.0 review

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Fontage is an application to easily view and manipulate all of yourfonts, whether they are installed or not.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 9K
Developer: Chronopath, Inc.
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Price: $22.00
Updated: 19 Nov 2004
0 stars award from

Fontage is an application to easily view and manipulate all of yourfonts, whether they are installed or not. Fontage was specificallydesigned for the creative professional or graphic artist who works withfonts.

With Fontage you can find, organize, and compare your fontsusing Fontage's great features and intuitive interface. Features suchas Font Server and Search enable you to find fonts.

To organize, youcan put your fonts into different Favorite Sets. And to compare, youcan get information from each font and use Fontage's visual.

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