etritus D review

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Once you start it up, you'll notice detritus obviously hearkens a large portion of its inspiration from Asteroids.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 2237K
Developer: kaolin fire
Price: $0.00
Updated: 06 Dec 2005
0 stars award from

Once you start it up, you'll notice detritus obviously hearkens a large portion of its inspiration from Asteroids. However, I've done my best to add a few twists to it and bring it into a semi-modern realm of technology. It's not quite 3-d, though the rendering is--your ship is confined to the surface (relatively) of a large sphere. Asteroids and aliens swim on the surface with you. Clear the level to go on to the next. The teapot is a one-up--it's blue when it's stopped, white when it's moving. If you hit it when it's blue, it turns black--and then you can run into it to get the extra shield. If you are about to hit something, your ship's computer will automatically engage the emergency shields, which creates a small EMF destroying whatever you were about to hit and rendering you intangible for a short duration. If you notice impending doom before your ship does, you can activate shields yourself--rendering your ship intangible for a considerably longer duration.

The sun model, some sounds, and various code snippets have been borrowed from here and there. I've attributed them in the source when possible. All are public domain to the best of my understanding, though I've modified them to my own purposes. I still need to submit changes I made to glfont to make it work on os x (different byte ordering). The octopus was drawn by a friend. The font used is MaxFont, available elsewhere on this site.

The game starts out at the highest resolution of 1280x1024, 1024x768, 800x600, 640x480 your system will support at a 16 bit color depth. You can drop it further with '-', or later, force it back higher with '+'.

Big Shouts Out to GLUT, OpenGL, OpenAL, and NSIS! This program would at best be nowhere near as cool, and more likely not even exist, without the libraries and such provided.

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