ElfData XML Editor 2.15 review
DownloadXML Editor is a clean, simple and powerful graphical XML editing and validation tool.
XML Editor is a clean, simple and powerful graphical XML editing and validation tool. XML Editor has Unicode support, allowing working with XML in any language.
It features full DTD validation, but doesn't require a DTD if you only want to do well-formedness validation. It gives meaningful messages that point you a conflict with the XML to the DTD, and tell you why your XML conflicted the DTD. It can tell you if your XML is badly formed in other ways. It has two viewing modes, "Tree" mode and "Source" mode. Source mode lets you do text editing on your XML. XML Editor will tell you exactly where in your source an error exists, and the type of error, making fixing bad XML easy.
XML Editor's graphical editor is flexible and fine tuned. You can select multiple items in the editor at once, move them around to anywhere in the document by dragging, cut, copy and paste single or multiple XML elements around, use contextual menus on selected XML. Contextual menus only show the commands that apply to the selected XML, making choices and navigation of commands simpler. You can drag XML from other programs, or from the Finder as a clipping onto the window and drag clippings out of the window to anywhere else. These are some of the useful features XML Editor offers.
XML Editor offers extensive find capabilities. A source-find mode, and a tree-find mode. The source find offers standard find/replace features. The tree find offers finding of any combination of different types of tags (DOCTYPEs, PIs, empty elements, non empty, CData, comments, text, etc). You can optionally search by name, attribute name and attribute value. You can optionally search only inside the previous search results, making complex searches possible.
Here are some key features of "ElfData XML Editor":
Compliant with XML 1.0 and is a DTD validator. Validates included files reliably and intuitively.
Full Unicode support. Display and write Unicode. Reads every kind of UTF!
Simple, yet powerful and extensive graphical editing interface.
Graphical and text editing modes are intuitively integrated.
Many validation modes: Including: After changes to the XML; file batch; and of elements under the mouse.
User friendly - Detailed error messages point you to the location and offer you advice on how to fix it.
User configurable - Set your preferred fonts, colors and viewing options.
"Send to Browser" button on the toolbar makes it easy to send files to an XSL / CSS viewer, such as IE5 or NS6.
Entity support - Optionally type entities direct from keyboard. Graphical mode automatically displays entities converted. Graphical Property editor can optionally edit entities converted, or as plain source.
Find feature offers searches upon element name, attribute, and upon many more variations.
Fast, flexible and easy entry of pre-built XML, from a "Holder". Drag Holder items into XML documents, double click a holder item to insert it into the selection, or use the contextual menu. Can create holders from DTDs.
Mac-like, intuitive interface includes: Extensive drag and drop, text clippings, contextual menu and copy/paste support. Unlimited undos in Tree mode.
7 days demo.
What's New:
[bug] Fixes a problem where UTF-8 wasn't displaying correctly in the Tree View.
ElfData XML Editor 2.15 search tags