element .net reviews and downloads
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Element Style 1.0 Element Style is a MultiAd Creator AppleScript that selects all elements on the same spread that have an element style matching the currently selected element. Freeware |
RefEls 1.0 RefEls is a Perl script that lets you look up and increase knowledge of the periodic table of elements. Freeware |
AutoFEM Analysis 1.7 AutoFEM Analysis provides the finite element analysis for users of AutoCAD Shareware |
3D Frame Analysis Library 2.0 Dll solver that performs static and dynamic analysis of 3d frames and trusses Demo |
Booster Elements 1.5 With 'Booster Elements 'filter plug-in you have 3 very useful plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop Elements at a very low price: - Curves Element to perform color corrections using curves. Comercialware |
PotDesign 1.0 Calculates resistor values for simple (2-element) and complex (3-element) voltage dividers, including potentiometers and rheostats, when given the input voltage and desired output voltage(s). Freeware |
Table 3.40 Multifunctional periodic table of elements and the chemical calculator Shareware |
AutoFEM Analysis Lite 1.7 AutoFEM Analysis Lite provides the free finite element analysis for AutoCAD Freeware |
The Periodic Table 1.3 The Periodic Table is a widget that allows you to click on an element to display basic information and properties, such as atomic mass, density, melting point and more. Freeware |
Structurix X 2.6.0 Structurix is a calculation program based on the principle of the finite elements. Freeware |