Dilo 1.1 review

by rbytes.net on

Dilo looks up words at http://dict.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 74K
Developer: Imdat Solak
Price: $0.00
Updated: 02 Jan 2007
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Dilo looks up words at http://dict.leo.org and shows the english or german translation of that word. It is kind of comparable to "Babylon" for Windows but uses a public web-dictionary instead of having a local one. if you want to see how LEO works, please go to http://dict.leo.org and try it out yourself.

You can start up Dilo directly and enter something into the search field to search for or you can call it through the services menu Define in Dilo.

It doesn't matter whether you are searching for an english description of a german word or vice versa (and french/german respectively). Just select the word in the editor you are using, choose "Services->Define in Dilo" (or "Services->Define French in Dolo") and that's it.

What's New:
Added support for spanish-german translation and fixed lots of bugs regarding umlauts, french characters and such.
Also fixed a huge bug which prevented the display of full results from LEO.org - this looks like the final release candidate (please note that the spanish dictionary contains only around 100, words for now - but it's growing).

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