DiapOPict 3.1.5 review

by rbytes.net on

DiapOPict is a software which creates slideshows from a list of files (pictures or movies).

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 658K
Developer: Julien Salort
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Price: $13.00
Updated: 21 May 2004
0 stars award from rbytes.net

DiapOPict is a software which creates slideshows from a list of files (pictures or movies). It uses QuickTime.

So you can use any format QuickTime is able to read.3.0.2: While creating HTML slideshow, added an option to create a preview page, Updated HTML code to validate HTML 4.0 Transitionnal, Can now rotate all selected pictures.

DiapOPict 3.1.5 keywords