Decompile AppleScripts to Text Files 1.0 review
DownloadDecompile AppleScripts to Text Files can be used as a droplet.
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Decompile AppleScripts to Text Files can be used as a droplet. Save it as an application with your script editor, and drag applescript applications or compiled scripts, or folders of applescript applications or compiled scripts onto its icon to create a hierarchical backup of them saved in text format with the name extension "applescript" in a folder called "Script_backups" in the same folder as the items you drag.
Decompile AppleScripts to Text Files does exactly what it's name says.
The scripts to be backed up must be named with either the "scpt" or "app" name extensions. If any of the items you drag contain applications other than Applescript applications, they will be ignored.
If a dropped Applescript application is in bundle (package) format, the entire hierarchy of the application will be created from the package folder down to its applescript file in the Scripts folder of the package which will be saved in text format with the name extension "applescript". The backed up version will still appear as an application in the Finder, but will not work, and you'll have to use the "Show Package Contents" command to get to the text version of the script in the Finder.
If two scripts having the same name, one ending with the "scpt" name extension, and the other ending with the "app" name extension, they will both be saved, the latter of the two retaining the original name extension and the "applescript" name extension.
Smile & Satimage.
Decompile AppleScripts to Text Files 1.0 keywords