DashSTicker 0.4.1 review
DownloadDashSTicker retrieves sports scores from various websites.
DashSTicker retrieves sports scores from various websites.
The widget downloads HTML files including results of MLB, NBA, PGA and other sports from several websites and display them with team logos, which are downloaded from official sites (then I do not violate copyrights ;) ).
How to Use
Click the bottom left button to select the score you would like to see. Without selection the widget displays nothing.
After selecting source website, press 'Done' button to load scores. If you do not see scores you are not interested in, use filters country, language, and sports.
Scoreboards will be updated in 5 min after first loading. The interval will become longer and longer (to 24h) without manual reloading.
The list will grow later (I hope :-D ).
DashSTicker 0.4.1 keywords