Contactizer Pro 3.0.2 review
DownloadContactizer Pro raises your contact relationship user experience to be more efficient, more productive and more enjoying.
Contactizer Pro raises your contact relationship user experience to be more efficient, more productive and more enjoying. Contactizer Pro brings a wealth of powerful contact management features, an innovative interface, and a hyper-flexibility solution into a clean, elegant and intuitive Cocoa package.
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Here are some key features of "Contactizer Pro":
Perfect Mac OS X Integration
Gorgeous and Powerful Native Interface
Bluetooth outcoming & incoming call management
Full real time synchronization with Apple's addressbook database
Communication Center: new module that gives you full insight of all communications such as emails, phone calls, postal mails and faxes. You can sort and filter them by date, person or type.
Link with Apple Mail: OD4Contact Communication Center gathers all your emails in real time and link them to your contacts.
"Enterprise Group" meta-contact that can contain any contacts working for that company. Drag contacts into this group can automatically add Enterprise group datas to your contacts (phone numbers, addresses...).
Tasks linked easily to your contacts
Get reminder notifications of upcoming tasks by sound, onscreen message or email
Attach everything to your tasks or contacts(folder, files, url)
Create and send RTF / HTML emailing with your own pre-defined templates using a powerful specialized module.
Personnalised email's subjects
Unlimited colored categories for fast sorting
Share all contacts on your local network with one click, Thanks to Rendezvous
Multi-Country listings for business & people with add/merge in your local addressbook
Preset your own actions on contact/task/communication view
Task's titles manager for a quick completion
Print Different with a special module: "PrintDeposit"
Integrated Map search engine with the possibility to attach maps to each contact's address
Dial-up phone numbers with one click
Synchronize all cards or tasks with your iPod
Import and merge your contacts easier than ever with an useful assistant
Attached files, folders or URLs are previewed in a dedicated view.
Export and import in industry standard formats (vCard, vCal, ics & csv)
Unlimited groups and subgroups of contacts
Keyword based fast searching tool
Attached or detached window presentation for all elements.
Customizable right click actions
Import / export with iCal.
All features are available in the 30 days trial period.
After the expiration of this period, you have to purchase the software to be able to keep on using it.
What's New:
Features & Enhancements
Important optimization when saving from a full editing of tasks or events with many attendees.
Groups reloading keeps current selection.
Drawing events in calendar mode should not flick anymore.
Dragging in Invitation tab performs better checks.
New "import to my local data" button in Shared Tasks or Events.
Browsing the events and tasks is now faster.
You can now copy/cut/paste shared tasks and events.
miscellaneous French localization mistakes fixed.
Bug Fixes
Drag n dropping tasks or events could crash Contactizer Pro.
Attendees without email address can be lost when quick editing tasks/events.
Better handling of cut/copy/paste with tasks and events.
Selecting multiple contacts with Tasks or Events tabs activated in AddressBook mode (in some cases) does not block the app anymore.
Spotlight importer for events is now correctly recognized by the system.
Fixed a frequent crash when importing iCal events or ics/vcs files. Could freeze the application too.
Contactizer Pro 3.0.2 keywords