ClockSync II 1.4.1 review

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ClockSync II is a simple utility to synchronize the clock of your Macintoshes.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 921K
Developer: Jeremy Kezer
Price: $0.00
Updated: 15 Nov 2004
0 stars award from

ClockSync II is a simple utility to synchronize the clock of your Macintoshes. If you have two or moreMacintoshes, you probably notice that the clocks drift apart as time goes by. This can range from being aminor nuisance to a real pain, especially if you tend to do a lot of file synchronizing between theMacintoshes.

ClockSync II synchronizes the clocks between two Macintoshes, by setting the clock of"servant" Macintoshes to be the same as the clock of a "master" Macintosh. While it's a big help if youhave just two or three Macintoshes, it can be a real life-saver on big networks.

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