Clock and Track 1.2.0 review
DownloadClock And Track is a native Mac OS X shareware application that automates the time tracking and billing functions required by an hourly consultant who typically works with a computer.
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Clock And Track is a native Mac OS X shareware application that automates the time tracking and billing functions required by an hourly consultant who typically works with a computer.
Clock and Track has the ability to enter and edit expenses and work session information.
The ability to enter and edit expenses and work session information.
A start/pause/stop timer to easily track working time on the computer for a client and a task
A simple, automatic and customizable report generator based on RTF or RTFD templates
Support for non dollar currency symbols and formats
A privacy mode that allows user to toggle whether "dollars" are displayed on screen
Optional consolidation of summary and detail invoice reports
Keyboard accelerators and formatters for easy entry of numbers, dates, and times
Batch marking and unmarking of the invoiced state of sessions and expenses
What's New:
A better look thanks to metal buttons provided by a Clock And Track user. Thank you.
Improved formatting for time fields that previously required input in minutes. Now you can type 1:20 and the conversion to 80 will be done automatically.
Two new preferences to control some of the behavior of the windows. The inspector window can now be configured not to disappear when Clock And Track deactivates. Also the main Stopwatch panel can be configured to float above other application windows.
A preference to control the behavior of what to do with a running session when the computer is put to sleep. (A bug was also fixed in this regard.) Note that it takes about 20 seconds or so for a session to appear to resume when the computer is woken up, but no time is lost.
A preference to control whether or not sessions and expenses are sorted in reverse chronological or chronological order in the inspector wndow.
Mousing over a reconciled session or expense now presents a balloon that indicates which invoice the session or expense was billed.
More consistent treatment of adding new clients. Multiple clients may now have the same client name but distinct short names. However you will no longer be able to add a client with the same short name and full client name. If you have archives with such clients you should delete them or rename them before upgrading to this version.
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