CharSys d20 1.6 review
DownloadImagine being able to easily create a character, maintain it on disk, and print up a fresh character sheet each time you play.
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Imagine being able to easily create a character, maintain it on disk, and print up a fresh character sheet each time you play. Or better yet, save some trees and use and edit your character sheet directly from your laptop. With CharSys, you can do that plus much more.
CharSys d20 is an application which allows you to easily create and maintain d20 characters with incredible ease.
How easy is it? Well, to begin with, when you create a character, you will see all the alignments, races, classes, deities (if you have that window opened), and ability scores on the screen at the same time. Each of these is in a separate floating window so you can move them anywhere you wish.
You can re-roll as often as you wish. You may also move your ability scores around. Sometimes, however, you won't be able to select a race, class, alignment, or deity. If you move your mouse cursor over that item, a tip will appear indicating why you can't choose it. You can also get more information about a race, class, alignment, or deity by click on the question mark next to it.
Once you have the character you want, type in your name (not your character's) and click on Save. You will then be prompted for your character's name and you are on your way to adventuring!
Here are some key features of "CharSys d20":
Can choose Point Buy Method or Random Method for creating characters.
Editors (skills, spells, etc.) are presented in separate windows for a clean interface.
Can import PCGen and CrystalBall characters.
Can input characters already on paper.
"Play Mode" for using your laptop as your character sheet.
Can easily share characters with others via the CharSys server (registered users only).
What's New:
[update] The creation window has been completely redesigned.
[bug] Bonus languages now work properly. Thus updating from a previous version will also need DnDCore 1.5.0.
[bug] When removing newly purchased non-class skills, the points are properly added back in.
[bug] In Play Mode, the dice modifier popup menus are now big enough to display the current modifier and the minus signs no longer appear as dividing lines.
CharSys d20 1.6 keywords