Bonsoir 1.0 review

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Bonsoir takes advantage of Cocoa Distributed Objects, Bonjour, and the Address Book API for allowing the quick and easy sharing of vCards on a local network.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 62K
Developer: bleep. LLC
Price: $0.00
Updated: 02 Oct 2006
0 stars award from

Bonsoir takes advantage of Cocoa Distributed Objects, Bonjour, and the Address Book API for allowing the quick and easy sharing of vCards on a local network.

The basic idea was that everybody could grab Bonsoir here at BarCampTexas, select their vCards, and we could all add each other (into Address Book) to help keep in touch for the next BarCamp, etc.

I've released the source to Bonsoir 1.0 under my special "BarCamp License". It's not the cleanest code in the world, there's a gratuitous amount of swearing in the comments, and the application doesn't even have an icon. Regardless, here it is, as a universal binary: Bonsoir 1.0. Enjoy!

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