BoingX 1.0 review

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BoingX is a Apple demo (originally written by Ken Dyke) which I modified to use display lists (now drawing some 500K polygons) with per vertex lighting and a basic sin wave distortion (using ARB_vertex_program) thrown in for fun.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: Dr. Feelgood
Price: $0.00
Updated: 16 Feb 2006
0 stars award from

BoingX is a Apple demo (originally written by Ken Dyke) which I modified to use display lists (now drawing some 500K polygons) with per vertex lighting and a basic sin wave distortion (using ARB_vertex_program) thrown in for fun.

It makes for a pretty good vertex performance demo :)

BoingX 1.0 keywords