BlazerBookmark 0.9.1b review

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BlazerBookmark is the program which edits the bookmark of Blazer being installed in Palm with a Macintosh.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 178K
Developer: QueueSoft
Price: $0.00
Updated: 24 Mar 2006
0 stars award from

BlazerBookmark is the program which edits the bookmark of Blazer being installed in Palm with a Macintosh.

Start BlazerBookmark, and select a HotSync user, from "User" of the menu and the Bookmark's from your PDA will be displayed in the window.

Use "PalmDesktopEnglish" only in Japanese environment.
Double-click on the change point, and change contents when it is changed.
Double-click on each item of the blank line, and input contents when a bookmark is added. The categories of the left table are ten maximums. Ten bookmarks of the category chosen by clicking on the category of the left table are indicated.
Take a blank together three heads when deleting a bookmark.

What's New:
Add the function to import a bookmark from Safari.

PalmDesktop 4.0 or later.

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