Berkeley Madonna 8.3.15 review
DownloadBerkeley Madonna is arguably the fastest, most convenient, general purpose differential equation solver available today.
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Berkeley Madonna is arguably the fastest, most convenient, general purpose differential equation solver available today. Developed on the University of California at Berkeley campus under the sponsorship of NSF and NIH, it is currently used by academic and commercial institutions for constructing mathematical models for research and teaching.
Models cannot be saved.
Graphs and tables cannot be saved or copied.
A watermark appears in all printouts.
The Register dialog appears each time the program is started.
What's New:
Two and three-dimensional arrays are now directly supported in the equations. For example, you can write equations like this:
A[1..M,1..N] = k*F[i]+G[i,2,j]
where A is a 2D array, F is a vector (1D array), and G is a 3D array.
Support for discrete equations (conveyors, ovens, and queues) has been added. They have similar properties to the conveyor, oven, and queue stocks in STELLA; however, some capabilities such as conveyor leakage are not yet supported. Explanatory models can be found in the "How Do I" folder.
The DELAY built-in function now works properly with zero delay values.
Discrete functions such as DELAY now work properly when used in array equations. For example, if you have ten signals A[1] through A[10], a set of delayed signals B[1] through B[10] can be created as follows:
B[1..10] = DELAY(A[i], ...)
Prime notation now defines a regular equation in addition to automatically-generated differential equations. For example the equation x'' = 2 leads to the following definitions:
x'' = 2
d/dt(x') = x''
d/dt(x) = x'
instead of:
d/dt(x') = 2
d/dt(x) = x'
The INF keyword provides a convenient way to represent infinity in your equation.
The Import Image and Remove Image commands reflect the context in which they are used: if one or more icons are selected, the commands change to Import Icon Image and Remove Icon Image; if no icons are selected, they change to Import Background Image and Remove Background Image.
Flowchart background images are saved in the model file so they are restored when the model is reopened.
Flowchart icon images imported using the Import Icon Image command are enlarged or reduced as necessary to prevent the icon from becoming too small or large.
The Change Color command has been renamed to Background Color to better reflect its purpose.
Pipes can be hidden independently of flows by unchecking the Pipes box in the Icon Visibility dialog.
Keyboard shortcuts have been added for the Group and Ungroup commands.
When programatically selecting an icon (e.g., via the Show Icon command), the flowchart is scrolled as needed so that the icon is visible.
Important: Due to the above changes, flowchart models saved in version 8.0 cannot be opened by previous versions of Berkeley Madonna.
[Macintosh only] Random number generators were producing erroneous output when running with "fast execution" turned off.
If you want to use the Flowchart Editor, ensure that MRJ 2.1 (Macintosh Runtime for Java) or later is installed on your system. You can download the latest version of MRJ (2.2.6) from Apple Computer.
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