Balthers Graphic Groove Box B1_2_2 review
DownloadVJ softwar Moving Visuals, 3D real time tool for the professional digital artist
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Balthers Graphic Groove Box B1_2_2 is animation tools software developed by Balther.
Balthers Graphic Groove Box is a VJ and Moving Visuals program for the professional digital artist, handling graphics, Flash, videos and 3D. PC key and MIDI control with interactive real time animated Effects.
No installation required except of the Quick Time Player.
When starting the software it will checks the PC and guides you through wrong settings and QT installation.
This graphic apps program is freeware, so you can download and use it absolutely free. Balthers Graphic Groove Box B1_2_2 supports English interface languages and works with Windows XP/Vista.
Latest Balthers Graphic Groove Box B1_2_2 does not contain any spyware and/or advertise modules, allowing installing it with no worries concerning valuable information loss.
Our website has thoroughly tested graphic apps product Balthers Graphic Groove Box B1_2_2, written the review and uploaded installation file (20368K) to our fast server.
Downloading Balthers Graphic Groove Box B1_2_2 will take several minutes if you use fast ADSL connection.
Balthers Graphic Groove Box B1_2_2 keywords vj software moving visuals video interactive real time midi effect animation digital art