AppleOff 1.2.4 review
DownloadAppleOff was built out of frustration.
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AppleOff was built out of frustration. Yes, there are other programs out there that can delete the same files. The difference, is that AppleOff can automate the process. No longer do folders have to be constantly dropped onto a location, or multiple scripts created in order to deal with the growing need to correct the nusisance of those pesky files.
By saying, '... those pesky files.', I am refering to, of course, the files that Apple computers leave all of drives. Please note, that while I degrade the pesky critters, these files have an extremely important role on Apple machines. The .DS_Store files hold such things as the last position of the Finder window when viewing that particular folder. They make life much easier for us Mac-folk.
With that in mind, they are still pesky on drives that simply do not need them. A few examples are as follows:
• Web Site Folders
• Company Network Drives (Ooops!)
• Removeable Media (Memory Sticks, Compact Flash, etc.)
• Does One Really Need a Reason? (Maybe the Virgo-ness is the Cause)
The list could go on for a while. In any event, if you want the files properly deleted, AppleOff is the program for the job. The automation is by far the feature that sets it apart from the rest.
What's New:
For those not taking their medication: Additional warning dialog when selecting an Apple formatted drive.
10.4.3 Bugs
The bugs from 10.4.3 are resolved for good, that is until Apple decides to mess them up again.
Mac OS X 10.4 or later. (PPC, or Intel based Mac).
AppleOff 1.2.4 keywords