App Presto 1.0.1 review
DownloadApp Presto is a multi-purpose utility designed to make life with Mac OS X a little easier by automating several common tasks.
App Presto is a multi-purpose utility designed to make life with Mac OS X a little easier by automating several common tasks. By design, App Presto makes it easy to apply special behavioral settings to all applications, and as needed, to specific applications.
App Presto is a useful utility that streamlines the Mac workflow by automatically managing applications.
Here are some key features of "App Presto":
Hide applications that are no longer in the foreground.
Automatically make sure all windows for an application come forward when the application is clicked. Currently this only happens when the application's icon is clicked in the Dock.
Force quit the frontmost application with a simple key combination. This can be useful to quit games that have frozen up when the machine is in full screen mode.
30 days trial.
App Presto 1.0.1 keywords