Adobe ImageReady Updater 1.0.1 review

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ImageReady 1.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 3706K
Developer: Adobe Systems, Inc.
Price: $0.00
Updated: 27 Oct 2004
0 stars award from

ImageReady 1.0.1 adds the following improvements:The most notable enhancements to ImageReady include thefollowing:Batch processing droplets now correctly hold the MatteColor, which sets the background color when processingfiles containing transparency. Previously, this alwaysdefaulted to white.The Web Shift feature works properly when imagescontain transparency.

This feature lets you change aselected palette color to a Web-safe color. Previously,under certain circumstances this caused the transparencycolor to be dropped, requiring it to be reset.Images containing alpha channels or saved selections cannow be changed with the Image Size, Canvas Size, orCrop commands without causing problems.Guides now lock to pixel boundaries, and all toolsrespond to the Snap to Guides feature.

ImageReady 1.0.1 allows saving files over previousversions on Novell servers.When batch processing GIF, JPEG, or PNG files usinga droplet with the Save Original option enabled,ImageReady saves 24-bit versions of the files with thecorrect *.psd extension. Previously, it saved these fileswith the original file name (and incorrect extension).

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