AACrT Movies 1.1.4 review

by rbytes.net on

AACrT Movies is a database designed for storing your video library information, complete with search capabilities in all categories.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: AACrT Solutions
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Price: $7.00
Updated: 03 May 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

AACrT Movies is a database designed for storing your video library information, complete with search capabilities in all categories. The user can set and change dropdown box options; sort movies by any field in list view; set a borrower so he/she can track which movies have been lent out and to whom; manipulate movies info in single form view, list view or even print reports complete with page number.

When initially opening this solution you'll be presented with a login. Simply select "guest account" and no password is necessary. Using this login you'll have access to all features, there is a 10 record limit before the "trial" period is over. If you wish to register this solution then you'll receive the unlock codes to regain full functionality.

Limits new records to 10 until program is registered.

What's New:
The "guest" account is now easier to access, no password is necessary
You now have full functionality of the program during the "test" period. So once you register, you will have the same functionality as when in "test" mode.

Upgrading versions now very easy, to import records from prior versions simply follow steps outlined in "pref's" window.

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