2090 0.1 review

by rbytes.net on

The Busch microtronic 2090 is an emulator for my first computer - the "Busch microtronic 2090".

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: Stephan Kleinert
Price: $0.00
Updated: 18 Sep 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

The Busch microtronic 2090 is an emulator for my first computer - the "Busch microtronic 2090".
It was similar to the KIM-1 in some respects, but it was intended as an educational system.
It had a custom programmed TMS1600 4bit microprocessor, 64 Bytes of RAM, an ML-like programming language, a 6-digit 7-segment LED display and a custom hexadecimal keypad for programming.

Here are some key features of "2090":
emulates the full 2090 instruction set
can load and save 2090 programs
2 extra buttons can be wired to the 2090's 4-bit-inputs
the clock output can be wired to the 2090's 4-bit-inputs
one of the outputs can be wired to the system beeper.

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