15-game 2.0 review

by rbytes.net on

collect a puzzle for smaller amount of turns, than a computer.

License: Shareware
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
File size: 682K
Developer: nordos game studio
Buy Now
Price: $12.00
Updated: 19 Jul 2008
4 stars award from rbytes.net
 100% clean award

15-game 2.0 is puzzle & word games software developed by nordos game studio.
Game 15 is similar to world known logic game.You should place pieces by way of following numbers from 1 up to 15. Make it more quickly than a computer! Game rules:You compete with artificial intellect of a computer. Your goal is to collect a puzzle for smaller amount of turns, than a computer. Click at numered pieces for moving them.
This games & entertainment software is shareware, which means you can download and use 15-game 2.0 for free during the trial period (usually for 30 days). At the expiration of the period you will have to buy the puzzle & word games product for $12.00. 15-game 2.0 is available at regnow and nordos game studio website. 15-game 2.0 supports different languages (including English). It works with Windows 98/XP/Vista.
Latest 15-game 2.0 does not contain any spyware and/or advertise modules, allowing installing it with no worries concerning valuable information loss.
We has completely tested puzzle & word games software 15-game 2.0 many times, written and published the interesting article and uploaded installation file (682K) to our fast server.
Downloading 15-game 2.0 will take several seconds if you use fast ADSL connection.

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