Apollo 37zz übersicht

by rbytes.net on

MP3-player. It is recognized by its outstanding MP3 decoding quality.

Lizenz: Freeware
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
Dateigröße: 672K
Entwickler: Apollo Software
Preis: $0.00
Aktualisiert: 18 May 2018
4 stars award from rbytes.net

Apollo started out as a MP3-player. It is recognized by its outstanding MP3 decoding quality, powerful continuous playback support and advanced playlist capabilities. It supports different file formats through so called input plug-ins. Writing an input plug-ins is rather straight forward (see the plug-ins page for more info) and thus Apollo can be easily made to support new audio formats.

Apollo 37zz search tags    mp3 player decoding quality playback advanced playlist