Speech and Debate 1.4 review

by rbytes.net on

Speech and Debate Timekeeper is a collection of two multi-platform timers for all speech and debate events.

License: GPL
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 1192K
Developer: Jemmy Chen
Price: $0.00
Updated: 30 Mar 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Speech and Debate Timekeeper is a collection of two multi-platform timers for all speech and debate events. One is a debate timer with speech order and time limits preprogrammed for Policy, Lincoln-Douglas, Parliamentary, Public Forum, and miscellaneous debate formats. It also tracks prep time for both sides. The other timer is designed for individual events. All time limits are user adjustable.

These timers give visual and/or vocal time signals at user defined intervals so that you will never have to give manual time signals or frequently look at the time. At the end of each speech, cross-examination, or preparation, the timer automatically sets itself to time the next thing that needs timing at the push of a button. No stopwatch or general purpose timer comes this close to fulfilling the role of a dedicated human timekeeper in a debate round.

Java Runtime Environment 1.4 or higher and a Java enabled web browser.

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