EleGantt 2.0 review

by rbytes.net on

EleGantt is a plug-in for 4th Dimension that allows developers to display interactive Gantt charts in their database applications.

License: Demo
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 1133K
Developer: DataCraft, Inc.
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Price: $249.00
Updated: 01 Jun 2004
0 stars award from rbytes.net

EleGantt is a plug-in for 4th Dimension that allows developers to display interactive Gantt charts in their database applications. An EleGantt area can display Gantt bars and symbols, understands weekends, works with both time and date information, and is fully scalable.

It offers draggable task bars, variable row heights, and full color and style customization. EleGantt works dynamically with 4D arrays, so task movements are updated automatically.

When coupled with 4D's Web publishing capabilities, it can also be used to display dynamically generated Gantt charts on web pages.

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