Adobe Flex 2.0 review

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Adobe Flex 2 software is a rich Internet application framework based on Adobe Flash that will enable you to productively create beautiful, scalable applications that can reach virtually anyone on any platform.

License: Trial
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: Adobe Systems
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Price: $749.00
Updated: 11 Jan 2007
0 stars award from

Adobe Flex 2 software is a rich Internet application framework based on Adobe Flash that will enable you to productively create beautiful, scalable applications that can reach virtually anyone on any platform.

It includes a powerful, Eclipse based development tool, an extensive visual component library, and high-performance data services enabling you to meet your applications' most demanding needs.

The Flex application framework consists of MXML, ActionScript 3.0, and the Flex class library. Developers use MXML to declaratively define the application user interface elements and use ActionScript for client logic and procedural control. Developers write MXML and ActionScript source code using the Adobe Flex Builder IDE or a standard text editor.
30 days free trial

G4 1.25 GHz PowerPC or Intel processor (for Mac)
OS X 10.4.7
1GB of RAM recommended
300MB of available hard-disk space to install
Java Virtual Machine: Sun JRE 1.5
Eclipse 3.2 (plug-in configuration only)

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